Thursday, 23 March 2017

7 Facts Everyone Should Know About Kids Dentistry

Kids dentistry which is also known as pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry which specializes in dealing with the dental problems of children. The primary dentition of the kids requires extra care to have a firm and sound base for the permanent dentition. Therefore, parents need to focus on improving the teeth health in their children since the start. Kids Dentistry involves a range of dental treatments mainly focused on the requirements of the child's dental health.

Kids Dentistry Treatments
Kids Dentistry Treatments

Here is the range of dental treatments which come under Kids Dentistry:

  1. Restorations: Dental restorations are one of the most common dental procedures carried in the kids. The decay of teeth is very common among children due to the excessive intake of the sweets and chocolates. Therefore, restorations with various dental materials are successful in preventing further degradation of the teeth.
  2. Extractions: Most of the children who have permanent teeth eruption require assistance in the proper eruption of the permanent teeth. Many times, this requires removal of the primary teeth. Moreover, supernumerary teeth are extracted for proper eruption of the next generation teeth.
  3. Early orthodontic care: Crooked teeth or bite problems are seen in many of the young children. It needs to correct first. Orthodontic treatments help to a great extent in solving the same. 
  4. Pulp treatment: The pulp treatments play a crucial role in solving the problems of the deep dental caries as well as in teeth injury. Proper precautions are taken to avoid an occurrence of infection or swellings in the respective teeth in the patients.
  5. Aesthetic dentistry: If till now you thought that only adults are concerned about aesthetics of the teeth then you need to know this. In the recent times, children are more concerned with their looks, and this starts with the appearance of their smiles. So, this aspect of dentistry does miracles in the smiles and confidence of the young kids. 
  6. Space maintainers: This treatment is quite common. After extraction of teeth, the dentist makes sure that the adjacent teeth do not occupy the space left. It can lead to tilting of the adjacent teeth as well as difficulty in the eruption of the permanent teeth. Therefore, space maintainers work in an excellent way. 
  7. Dealing with tooth decay: Sealants and fluorides are commonly used to prevent an occurrence of cavities in children. It is done in children who have an excessive tendency of consuming sweet foodstuff and therefore harm their teeth in the long term. 

Thus, kids dentistry involves various parts of dentistry which are customized especially for children to ensure a good dental health in the long term.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Painless Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Painless Root Canal Treatment
Painless Root Canal Treatment (RCT)
Root canal treatment is one of the most popular dental treatments in the recent times across the world. Nowadays, most of the patients always demand quick dental treatments. It has led to the evolving of the painless root canal treatment. Root canal treatment mainly focuses on the treatment of the infected pulp present in the root canal. Earlier these procedures involved lot of pain in the patients at the time when the patient is treated. Now, you can have the benefit of modern technology and improved dental materials. Painless Root Canal Treatment is done with the help of various medicaments introduced in the recent times in the dental industry.

The pain in the root canal of the teeth exists till the root canal treatment is done. Therefore, proper care is taken to keep the procedure as much pain-free as possible. Root canal treatment in Delhi is very popular among patients with damaged teeth. Only a few patients want to get their teeth extracted. Most of the patients want to get their damaged teeth restored and therefore opt for painless root canal treatment followed by restoration procedures. Painless root canal treatment is a must for every individual with a root canal problem.

If you are thinking that you can get rid of this treatment procedure after consuming some antibiotics, then think once again. You must know that if you do not get your affected teeth treated on time, it can lead to a condition referred to as an abscess. The teeth which require treatment has to be tackled well. Otherwise, there will be a formation of pus and swelling. It leads to excessive pain in the respective affected teeth. This can lead to spread of infection to the adjacent teeth at times thus challenging the long term oral health of the patient. Therefore, it is always recommended to undergo painless root canal treatment without any delay.

The root canal treatment is much affordable as compared to most of the complex dental treatments. Therefore, you must understand that investing in root canal treatment on time will be your best wise decision towards your oral health. Always make sure that you take proper advice from the dentist you are consulting to get the best root canal treatment at the right point in time. Thus, painless root canal treatment is an essential dental treatment for achieving the best results in the affected teeth.